Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thank God for Grace

Thankfully I am not a billboard for Christ. I am not the only Bible people will ever read and I will not be confronted at the pearly gates by people I might have "missed". These are some of the Christian platitudes from a long list used to guilt followers into living right and witnessing more. The problem is that there is absolutely no Biblical support for these assertions. God is ultimately much more graceful in His workings with His people and utilizes an infinite variety of methods to bring people to Himself.

It is true that God has instructed us to "go and make disciples". (literally, "as you are going". e.g. where you are going everyday). Notice He did not say, "go and make people believe". It is God's Spirit that does that part. We are to teach people to follow His ways.

It is also true that God's Spirit, which is available to Christians, will create change and give us power to overcome hangups. We will still struggle at times, however; It is God's grace that will carry to completion what He started. We will mess up. Guilting us with the line that people will end up in hell when we struggle is unbiblical, manipulative and ultimately unproductive.

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