Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Not proof, but certainly a compassionate possibility

Is it possible Jesus showed compassion on a slave owner, and not just a slave owner, but an owner of a gay lover slave?

Where were the conservatives when Bush was spying on us?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Which sin will cause America to fall?

Why would 2 things barely mentioned in the Bible (homosexuality and abortion) be America's downfall? I am MUCH more concerned about things mentioned MANY times in the Bible! Things like attitudes toward wealth and neglecting the needy (e.g. blaming them for being needy)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

WOW! Church will no longer sponsor scouts because they accept "sinners"

Roswell St. Baptist Church in Marietta, GA will no longer support the boy scout troop it has sponsored since 1945 because the organization now accepts gay scouts. The Southern Baptist Church is encouraging other Baptists to follow suit.

Uhh. Excuse me Rev. Earnest Easley, chairman of the Southern Baptist Executive Committee, have you checked your own church's membership? I am certain you will find people with the following issues:

"I am afraid that somehow there may be quarreling, jealousy, intense anger, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance, and disorder." (2 Cor. 12:20)

Very specific sins actually spelled out in detail in the New Testament. Maybe your church and denomination shouldn't be "sponsored" any more (by tithes? By other ways you are supported?) if you are allowing people to join who are sinners?

I don't think Jesus would have made a very big impact if His criteria to reach people was that they couldn't be sinners. (In fact, my Bible hints he sought out sinners specifically and avoided the self-righteous)

Bad form, Southern Baptists. I hope you will adjust this ruling and use the resources you've been given to reach ALL young men who desperately need guidance in today's world!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Can government truly follow the Bible?

Matthew 5:42 Give to him who keeps on begging from you, and do not turn away from him who would borrow from you.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Finland does not pay teachers better!

TIL, contrary to the popular internet meme, teachers in Finland are not paid like doctors. They are actually paid less than teachers in the US.

Why kids do so much better in Finland is not teacher pay, or test prep! It's lack of poverty. Kids come to school ready to learn from homes that value education.

No matter which political side you come from, all our efforts, right, left and middle, have failed to create a consistent system in our country that lifts people out of poverty. And our schools suffer. (And, no, it isn't because we took down the 10 commandments or don't say a collective prayer. There's plenty of prayer in school, and lots of people who care)

We can keep blaming the "other" side, the poorer people, immigrants or whatever, but nobody's plan is working.

What would God do? Leviticus 23:22? Proverbs 11:25? Proverbs 22:9

Monday, February 11, 2013

It's not a liberal or conservative thing!

Get Your Facts Straight - More Poor Working Now Than Under Reagan!

"Over the last two decades, large shares of SNAP households have become working households. In 1989, 42 percent of all SNAP households received cash welfare benefits and only 20 percent had earned income. [After 8 years under Reagan only 20% of poor worked!] By 2010, over three times as many SNAP households worked as relied solely on welfare benefits for their income.

[CBPP, 7/9/12]

It's not a liberal or conservative thing. It's the truth. Christians should not be "going after" the poor. In fact, my Bible says we are to do everything we can to help them!